Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How theater relates to my hobbies and interests

The word theatre comes from the Greeks. It means the seeing place. It is the place people come to see the truth about life and the social situation. This quote by Stella Alder is very on point.  Theater portrays the truth about life and a social situation.  With that said it is very easy for me to relate my own interests and hobbies to theater in many ways.

The first interest and hobby of mine is basketball.  Basketball is my favorite thing to do, to learn about, and to watch.  Basketball relates to theater in many ways.  First off, all you need to have a theatrical production is an empty space, performers, and an audience.  The court is the empty space, the basketball players are the performers, and the crowd is the audience.  When I played basketball I loved to put a show on for the crowd.  I did a lot of things to get a reaction from the crowd.  If there was a nice play or a bad call I would show a lot of emotion and the crowd would react to that which would motivate me as well.  Also, in theater the actors have a script that they go through.  A director walks them through the script.  These actors would not read the script like robots, they would occasionally have free reign to improvise.  This is much like a play book for basketball.  A coach walks a team through a new play repeatedly until the team can run it in their sleep.  However, from this play the coach does not want his players to run the play like robots, going through every motion exactly as it is written because the other team starts to expect what is going to happen next.  Therefore, the coach wants some improvisation to catch everybody off guard.  The coach is clearly the director of the basketball team.

Another interest and hobby of mine is comedy.  Obviously comedy relates to theatre because it is a type of genre, but I like comedy in the sense that it is spontaneous.  I know a lot of people think this, but I believe that if cameras were to follow my friends and I around, it would be one of the funniest shows on television.  When I am with my friends we are just off the wall funny and not afraid to do anything.  We all love to cause scenes wherever we go.  During high school it would primarily take place in the lunch room.  We all would want the attention on us and as soon as it was on us we would start picking on each other.  The lunch room, or audience, would all laugh as we would just take turns degrading one another.  Other scenes took place in the gym.  We would do the most random off the wall things we could think of just to get a cheap smile and laugh out of everybody watching.

To be completely honest, I feel as though some aspect of theater can be related to almost everybody’s interests and hobbies.  Theater has such a wide horizon on what it is.  For example, I am a computer science major and I love finding out how things work and how to make them work more efficiently.  This interest or hobby of mine seems to not be able to relate to theater in the least bit but if I were a theater technician or engineer this job would be perfect for me.  I did not realize this until toward the end of the course but it has made me appreciate theater more.  I was not a fan of theater until I realized that I could relate my hobbies and interests to it. 

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